Masada, Masada, you are like the Christ,
who too is a fortress, a jewel of great price.
A tower we run to when troubles draw near,
a refuge for those having eyes full of tears.
Like you, O great mountain, He’s also a rock,
the Rock of Salvation if we heed His knock.
His name is Yeshua, Messiah, and King,
the One long awaited your freedom to bring.
If we have received Him, one thing is the same,
for powers of darkness lay siege to our claim.
We promise to serve Him whate’re be the cost.
and then do we learn that our lives must be lost.
And while you were built only for royalty,
all knowing Yeshua a royal priest will be.
Masada, Masada, as we head for home,
we honor your valor and bid you Shalom.
Ralph E. Johnson
January 1988
(on a trip to Israel)