Lord, You have opened up a door, a door to heav’n, a door to prayer;
You’re calling us to enter in and be set free of guilt we bear.
We only need a humble heart, confess our sins and then repent,
So we can have a conscience clear, free of all shame that does torment.
The door that’s open to our prayer is also where God’s power is found;
In our own strength we’ll never see the work of Christ through us abound.
But by the pow’r that comes from God the lame will walk, the blind will see,
And in the name of Jesus Christ we’ll also see the demons flee.
This door has opened up to all who’ll bend their knee, cry out to God;
We need not use some special words to walk where saints of old have trod.
The only thing we’re asked to do is pray with hearts that are sincere;
Then heav’n will hear and answer us in ways that make the angels cheer.
So on your knees, soldiers of God, and lift up holy hands in prayer;
Put on the armor God provides, and do not fear but be amazed.
Jesus Himself will lead the way, the battle does belong to Him;
Pray without ceasing and then watch the vict’ry in your lives begin.
Ralph E. Johnson
November 2007
*Lovingly dedicated to those in our home group who are committing themselves to spiritual warfare.